Studying for my history finals... Its the biggesst pain ever... Ive never really had to study so hard before... I didnt pay attetnion at all in the firs semester, and This semester I didnt either, but at least Ikind of took notes. Anyways, I have several months of history notes to complete in 2 days (after this day, monday is off). Ive got1 more bullet point to fulfill, and then Ill be done with the 4th century. But after that, I would still have 11 more to go! This has taken me a few hours, and I still have latin to study,and even worse- ENGLISH!! Which involves mostly the books we read, and the poems we memorized. Less so grammar, like I would have hoped. Im absolutely pooped... I think I will just take a nap or something. Please ignore typos, Me is too lazy
you poor soul